School Library

The Library is an attractive and stimulating area for research and reading throughout the day and beyond. We aim to support teaching and learning across the curriculum. We encourage students to develop the skills they need to become successful independent learners and promote a lifelong enjoyment of books and reading for pleasure. We provide a wide and varied selection of printed and electronic resources and professional support and advice. All students and staff automatically become members of the library when they join Aldercar High and are welcome to visit the library to read, borrow books and complete work.


As well as a stock of over 10,000 books (Fiction and Non-Fiction), the library has a selection of newspapers, magazines and subject journals, local studies material and a Staff Library.

Careers Resources:

The Library has an area dedicated to Careers Advice and Guidance Resources. It includes information on, jobs/careers, further and higher education and general resources to help you make decisions and plan your future. Resources include books, magazines, prospectuses, leaflets, computer programs and lists of useful Websites. The Librarian is always available to give advice on using these resources and to help you find the information you are looking for.

When is the Library open?

The library is open throughout the day. During lesson time the Library can be used by staff, sixth form students (for private study) or by class groups. Small groups or individuals from a lesson need to have a signed note from their teacher.

Borrowing Resources:How Many?

  • Years 7-11 – Maximum of 2 items
  • Years 12-13 – Maximum of 6 items

 How Long For?

Books can be borrowed for 4 weeks.

Renewing Resources:

An item can be renewed (issued for another 4 weeks), as long as no-one else is waiting for it.

Reserving Resources:

If a book is out on loan we are able to reserve it for another borrower. We are always happy to receive suggestions from users of the library for additions to stock.

Returning Resources:

Resources must be returned on or before the last date stamped on the date label inside each book. Items should be returned to the Library.

Overdue Resources:

It is important that items borrowed from the library are returned on time. An Overdue list will be sent to each tutor group for any items that are more than 25 days overdue. After 8 weeks a letter will be sent home. Pupils with very overdue books will not be allowed to borrow any more resources from the library until they are returned or paid for.