Early Help Offer
At Aldercar High School, we understand that every family can have ups and downs and sometimes you or your children may need some extra support. There is nothing to be ashamed of in asking for help. The Early Help offer can help you and school recognise what is going well for you and where you may benefit from some extra support.
Early Help Assessment
To access this support, a conversation with Miss Peplow, our Family Support Worker, will help to identify, what is going well and what is not going well for you and your family. This conversation may
lead to an Early Help Assessment (EHA) being completed, so a full picture of the family’s circumstances can be created. This will then be used to see where some extra support could be useful. It is your choice to take part in this assessment and you can choose who else should be
involved. The EHA will require your consent, for other organisations to be contacted or information to be shared, so the correct help and support is put in place for you and your children. This could be
school, mentors, health, etc. Once a picture of your circumstances is completed, giving your permission for this to be shared, means you do not have to repeat yourself to different workers.
Team around the family meeting
This meeting is where the family, school and other workers involved have a meeting to discuss and create a plan to support you and your family. The plan will be reviewed at set times to ensure progress is being made for you and your family and the correct support is in place. A ‘lead worker’ will be chose at this meeting. This will be the worker that you see the most of or the person you find most approachable.
Action on domestic abuse
If you are experiencing domestic abuse, help is available.
Derbyshire Domestic Abuse Helpline advisors can chat to you discreetly and provide you with emotional and practical support.
The helpline is open from 8am-10pm Monday to Friday. Call 08000 198 668 or text 07534 617 252.
The freephone, 24-hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline is open 365 days a year – call 0808 2000 247.
For those who are in immediate danger, please do not hesitate to call 999.
Cost of Living support
As the cost of living is rising it’s important to understand what advice and support is available to you, your family and the people you work with.
We’ve put together advice and help for Derbyshire residents online at www.derbyshire.gov.uk/costofliving
There’s lots of advice and support available from help managing debt to checking you’re getting all the benefits you are entitled to.
There’s also information about energy efficiency, cutting down on food waste and details about services you might not know that we offer.
Secondary School Cost Of Living
Cost Of Living Communications Toolkit
Top Tips For Parents And Carers
VITA Minds Derby And Derbyshire Patient Leaflet
Warm Spaces
Warm spaces are free, safe and supportive spaces you can visit during the colder months. You may also have places local to your families which you are able to share with them i.e. Church halls, Libraries etc
Household Support Fund
If you’re facing financial hardship, particularly if you have children, are on a low income, or are a pensioner, our Household Support Fund could help.
Vulnerable residents will receive further help from a £5.4m extension to our Household Support Fund over winter.
The money is a major part of our support package to help people buy food, pay their energy bills and meet other essential living and housing costs to the end of March.
We’ll be working with councils, community groups, charities and other local services who can identify those in need. And people will also be able to make a direct application to our Derbyshire Discretionary Fund, which helps residents facing crisis and emergency situations and operates on a direct application basis.
Cost of living – Derbyshire County Council