We are aware that there are times when students need to take medication to manage either a short term or longer term condition. We would ask that you check the information below very carefully please to ensure that we work together to support all young people at all times. In 2014, the DfE issued updated statutory guidance on the managing of medications in school and supporting students with medical conditions. Following the guidance and some recent work in school, the following important information needs to be shared:
- All students with long term medical conditions, known to the school, will be asked, with support from parents and medical professionals, to complete an Individual Health Care Plan (IHCP). This is an ongoing area of work at this time. Should your child have any long term medical conditions, which require support in school, it is important that you let Mrs Temple (SENCO) know
- Once implemented, the IHCP will be reviewed annually or as and when required to do so if a change in any medical condition occurs
- All long term medication, prescribed by a medical professional and which is necessary to be taken in school hours, will be stored securely a designated areas of the school and only administered by a qualified member of staff
- The school can only accept prescribed medications that are in date, labelled and provided in the original container as dispensed by a pharmacist. This must include instructions for administration, dosage and storage. Parents have a responsibility to bring medication into school as it cannot and will not be accepted from students. Parents should arrange to complete and sign a parental agreement to administer medicine. A copy of which you will find below to download and print.
- When a student has an ailment that is not a long term condition, the school cannot and will not give the student prescription or non-prescription medicines without their parent’s written permission.
- It is a concern when students carry medication, prescribed or non-prescribed and self-administer in school and this should not happen.